First Step to Clear Skin

Clean makeup brushes to get rid of ALL of the dirt, dead skin cells, & bacteria that accumulate on them after regular use. Especially important for those of you who have oily skin or acne. -Rule of thumb: if it's a brush used for liquid substances such as foundation, clean after every use. 
All other brushes should be cleaned at the very least ONCE a WEEK. Especially if you are trying to get rid of pimples.

▶️Clean your brushes one at a time, using the same water temperature that you would use to wash our hair. Try to use something as natural as possible (like Baby Shampoo) without fragrance or dye.

▶️After cleaning your brushes you can put a paper towel and set them on a clean surface to dry OR out in the SUN. The sun is a natural disinfectant.

▶️VERY important. Once you are done cleaning you should find a SEPARATE bag to put ONLY your brushes. If you don't feel like buying one, use a new zip loc bag everytime.